
Reseller credit system

When you become a Novea-Hosting reseller, you are not just a normal reseller. We become partners the second you purchase the account.
we can help you with everything from getting your own domain, setting up your own online store if you wish to sell online.

How does the subscription system work?

  • Reselling works through something we call Credits. Credits are used to activate the Subscriptions for your clients. Where 6 Credits equals to 1 Month subscription with 2 connections, the cost of 1 Credit in our Reselling program is 1.00 GBP
  • For making this clearer let’s bring up a quick example: Let’s say a client buys a subscription for 1 month at a price of 15 GBP (this is just an example, you can set the price to whatever fits you best).

    As explained above, Resellers can purchase 1 month subscription for 6 Credits (6 credits at 1.00 GBP = 6.00 GBP), generating a profit of 9.00 GBP to the Reseller.

  • A reseller can easily double their money using a price guide like below.
  • 1 month = £15
  • 3 months = £35
  • 6 months = between £55-£60
  • 12 months = between £95-£100


Length of subscription Credit price Multi*
1 Month 6 Credits 4 Credits
3 Months 13 Credits 8 Credits
6 Months 21 Credits 13 Credits
12 Months 40 Credits 18 Credits


  • Multiroom has a maximum of 4 extra devices, for a total of 5 devices in the same household, which means you can bring your device to for example a work trip and still use the others at home.


What about credit pricing?

  • Credit pricing is explained in the table below, we may not be the cheapest on the market credit-wise, but we can say we are the best on the market for uptime. That means happy customers.
  • We require a bit higher "first-time purchase" to become a reseller, as we do not want to waste any time on people that will just get 2-3 cheap subscriptions for themselves sadly, we do put in good support for our resellers and support their business.



Reseller Package and amount of credits. Price for the package
Reseller account + 100 Credits £125
Package with 100 reseller credits £100
Package with 200 reseller credits £200
Package with 300 reseller credits + 10 Free credit bonus £300
Package with 400 reseller credits + 20 Free credit bonus £400
Package with 500 reseller credits + 30 Free credit bonus £500
Package with 1000 reseller credits + 200 Free credit bonus £1000
  • After you purchase a reseller account, you can purchase a credit top up package with as low as 100 credits.

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